This is dedicated to Travis Holappa who was kidnapped, tortured and murdered on July 25, 2004 in Northern Minnesota. This was all due to meth. I am Travis' mother and I wish to make this devastation turn into a better thing by educating and exposing the truth about meth, the dangers, and the deadly consequences it brings about to individuals and communities.

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Location: Colorado, United States

I want to do what I can to educate people about what is going on around the world with the meth problem. I want people to know about it BEFORE they even get the idea to want to try it. It is a dangerous drug and will ruin your life as well as all those who love you. I am on a mission on behalf of my only son, Travis.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Funding tops $1 billion for anti-meth measures (USA)

Friday, March 17, 2006
KYLE W. MORRISON ~ Southeast Missourian

If the federal budget passes, the money will become available beginning Oct. 1.
More than $1 billion in funding to combat methamphetamine crimes was approved by the U.S. Senate this week.

On Thursday, a $23 million amendment was approved to provide additional funding for meth enforcement and a meth clean-up program as part of the Senate Budget Resolution, according to a news release from U.S. Sen. Jim Talent, R-Mo. An amendment providing $900 million in grant funding for combating meth was approved by the Senate Wednesday, restoring funding previously eliminated in President Bush's budget for the Justice Assistance Grants. The grants fund local drug education and drug law enforcement programs

See the rest of the story at:


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