This is dedicated to Travis Holappa who was kidnapped, tortured and murdered on July 25, 2004 in Northern Minnesota. This was all due to meth. I am Travis' mother and I wish to make this devastation turn into a better thing by educating and exposing the truth about meth, the dangers, and the deadly consequences it brings about to individuals and communities.

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Location: Colorado, United States

I want to do what I can to educate people about what is going on around the world with the meth problem. I want people to know about it BEFORE they even get the idea to want to try it. It is a dangerous drug and will ruin your life as well as all those who love you. I am on a mission on behalf of my only son, Travis.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Gordon Coldagelli (Minnesota)

Gordon Coldagelli is a hero to my family because he boldly and successfully prosecuted the men who savagely killed my son because of a stupid drug called methamphetamine. Mr. Coldagelli is a man who is willing to do a difficult task simply because it is right: removing the criminal element off the streets of small town USA with the power of the law. He pulled together a truthful and winning case on behalf of Travis Holappa when everything looked so jumbled with the conflicting stories of meth addicts, liars, and dealers.

While observing “Gordy” over the months and years of this continuing trial and legal process, I consistently see him as a man with strong moral values and desirable character. He knows right from wrong. He knows the law. He knows his job and accomplishes it well. He cares about the moral and human decline that is taking place on the Iron Range and in Minnesota.

What he did for our family, and for the memory of my son is so meaningful to me that I want to thank him publicly. I recently learned he is running for the Judgeship position in Hibbing, District 5 and I whole heartedly support him in his work to purge my old home of meth and meth-related crime. I know the evil this drug can bring to a community, because it came to my son Travis and took him from us.

I would encourage anyone who has questions about meth abuse or recovery to start by contacting There are also updates regarding “meth news” around the world on my blog,


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