Town hall meeting discusses underage drinking issues (Montana)
Sidney Herald
Discussing the underage drinking problem in a town hall meeting, concerned citizens and key officials explained efforts being made to help positively impact the local situation. The purpose of the gathering was to open a dialog about the problems and dangers associated with underage drinking locally.
Reoccurring themes within Thursday’s discussions were the need for positive examples and role models for youth to follow when it comes to alcohol consumption, and a needed cultural reversal in the adult and youth attitudes toward underage drinking.
Sidney, along with many other communities across America, held the town hall forum in light of Alcohol Awareness month in April. The Partnership for Promise Coalition along with Risky Business are sponsoring a new media campaign to bring awareness to parents about the penalties and dangers of providing a place for youth to consume alcohol for prom or graduation parties.
The purpose of the the gathering was to engage every aspect of the community in order to contribute more to preventing underage drinking.
According to the 2004 Montana Youth Needs Assessment, the percentage of Richland County high school seniors abusing alcohol is significantly higher than the state average. The percentage of high school student binge drinking in the county is also alarmingly higher than the state’s average. In the county, 15 percent of the teens reported drinking five or more drinks five or more times within the past week indicating there are some heavy teen drinkers in Richland County.
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