Residents differ on men's meth facility (Alabama)
By Jared Felkins
The Reporter
Proponents of a men’s transitional living facility and members of the Union Grove community where the facility is to be located clashed Monday morning during the Marshall County Commission’s regular meeting.
According to Dr. Mary Holley, director of Stepping Ahead facility that will house recovering methamphetamine addicts, the house and the 11 surrounding acres will serve as a transition house. Holley said the men staying at the house will be from a certified rehabilitation program and will be supervised 24 hours a day. She said it will be a Christian environment with security measures and background checks and regular drug tests will be performed on everyone staying there.
Let me start by saying that I and many of my fellow neighbors of the Union Grove / Union Chapel area were very disappointed in the so-called town meeting held at the school last night. We saw it more as a photo op and last minute campaign rally (for those locals running for office) rather than as a town meeting. Had it been a "real town meeting" the 'good doctor' would have been present and we, the residents opposed to this meth halfway house, would have had an opportunity to voice our concerns, and there would have been a question and answer session with the residents, and all those campaigning - present for the meeting. We are disappointed and madder-than-ever that we did not get an opportunity to speak!
We are glad that Cannon, McClendon, Kirkland and Teal are against this meth recovery facility as well, but shame on them for "campaigning" instead of giving "us" those that are truly affected by this house, a chance to speak out! We really want another opportunity to do so! We don't feel that just because Dr. Mary Holley came in "under the radar and through the back door" trying to sneak this one by us, that she should be allowed to get away with it. Nor do we feel that we, the taxpayer, should have to come up with an alternative place, and the funding for her "pet project".
She has not presented herself in a very open or honest light by going out, dropping names, and saying she has local representatives support when in fact she does not. Nor do we buy this "good thing" she is doing. She cannot expect us to welcome her with open arms, after she started out by lying and a coming to our area with this sneak-attack. We say, Mary, go do this is your own backyard first, and then tell us what YOUR neighbors think about it. They WON'T buy it either!!!
We're sorry, but your 24 hour camera monitoring is nothing more than that. Monitoring. Something that captures what is going on at the moment, or viewed after the fact. It is not a preventative measure! Someone residing in the house, as so-called security, to 'keep an eye on' more than a dozed brain-baked meth heads is NOT security! We do not want it in OUR community!
You cannot convince us this is a 'good thing' for our area, a remote country area. Remember how you started out by sneaking in and lying? Well, what's next? First a meth house, then a house for recovering alcoholics, then sex addicts and or child molesters? Not in OUR BACKYARD! Do you hear us Mary?
You need to take your "good thing facility" where there is close emergency and police staffing nearby. You also need this facility to be in an area where the neighbors are notified and asked FIRST, and are willing to accept a house with these types of occupants. Translation: you need the facility to be somewhere other than Union Grove!
We realize that meth is a problem in the US, and Union Grove as well, but that doesn't mean we have to put up with someone forcing us to live next door to these fry brained drug abusers. You didn't ask, you assumed, you came in under the radar, and we won't sit back and let it happen. Got any idea Mary what "ass-u-me" really means Mary?
Hear us now. We will picket. We will protest. We will not stop and we will not let this come to light. We will make you very uncomfortable; you will know that you are UNWANTED! Find somewhere else to land.
Residents of
Union Chapel/Union Grove
Residents of Union Chapel/Union Grove,
The addicts are there anyways. You are kidding yourselves if you believe they are not. You would have some recovering addicts as opposed to entirely active addicts living nearby. At least, they will have a chance to get clean and be a good neighbor and productive citizen.
You're kidding yourself if you think that Dr Holley's Pet Meth Heads will ever be clean, productive good neighbors! Put them up in your backyard. Holley is trying the game of extortion out on Union Grove by forcing this issue and sneaking into a community in the first place. If she were half the "godly christian like person" she tries to portray herself as she would have been upfront with the good folks of that town in the first place. She appears to be nothing more than a lying snake in the grass and her actions prove that. I hope for the sake of that community that her plans fail. She needs to open her own home to these losers and leave good county folk alone. You too need to close your yap, or else open up your home and your neighborhood to the druggies.
I agree. These dope heads and the dopey doctor Mary need to find another place to go. Union Grove is not and never will be a place where she can peacefully provide a shelter for her freaks. The 'neighbors' will not allow it.
I am a recovering addict who believes whole heartedly in Dr. Holley's mission. If the people in the community are not willing to help these people one day this problem will reach your own children or grandchildren. Wouldn't you want someone to help your children? Sometimes all these people need is love. Obviously Jesus is not a part of you diapproving people's lives and that is sad. I will pray for you as I pray for Dr. Holley and her cause and the great things that will come from it. Maybe you should reconsider your hasty judgement and think What Would Jesus Do?
Jessica, nothing wrong with M Holley's mission, BUT she needs to do it in a spot where it is welcome by the locals and where there are emergency personnel available should a "quick response" be necessary. Union Grove IS NOT the spot for it!!
No need to pray for me, I can pray for myself and WWJD... well he wouldn't want anyone sneaking in your back door forcing anything on you now would he??? So, if you are soooo supportive of Dr Mary's "cause" then open up your own backyard to it, and nevermind shoving it down the throats of citizens in neighborhoods where it is NOT wanted!
jessica pray for your own drug abused soul and pray that mary finds a different place for her dope fiend losers. she isn't wanted in a quiet country town and needs to realize that. if you want to help her then put the drugnuts up in your yard or neighborhood.
WWJD-he would be forgivig,have faith,love,and understanding.Some of us do have recovering addicts in our home and if it wasn't for people like Dr. Holley our family members may not be functioning members of society.It is understandable the fear, however do you not fear the active addict that believe it or not could be your family or even your neighbor.I have to hope someone reading this doesn't become the next victim because they feel they can't be accepted by society.My prayers go to all the sick and suffering and their family.Know there is help and ignore the judgemental part of the community because what you do is between you and god.
My husband and I both are recovering addicts and are productive members of society. We had the help of family and friends, but some people don't have that.I did pray for my own soul and Jesus answered with a resounding, "Yes, I forgive you and I love you." And if I had the resources such as Dr. Holley I would put them all in my back yard. If you had true faith you wouldn't worry about them living next door to you because you know that Jesus would protect to from all. But you don't have to be protected or scared or any of the above. It isn't like they are rabid animals running wild on a blood hunt. They would be supervised and watched after.NO ONE in this world is perfect and I find it hard to believe that none of you were ever down on your luck or life hadn't knocked you to your knees. When life does knock you on your knees, stay there.... and PRAY! I pray that you never find yourself at a hard spot in life and need the help of a stranger or some kind person in a better place than you. Because what Jesus would do is NEVER turn his back on ANY of his children no matter what. Including you. So maybe you should just think about the other side of the spectrum for a little bit and ponder the thought that maybe somebody else has a valid opinion as well and remember life is about helping others to the best of our ability. thanx.
Dr. Holley has opened up her heart to recovering addicts not only that but now shes opening a home for them.By the way if you guys are religious people why so much hate?!God loves all people no matter what they do or where they live,even in my backyard.Please just do this;read a little about drug addiction and get educated about it, then when you state your opinion it will make more sense.they will not move in this house if they want to get high on drugs-thats why they call it a recovery house--duh!!!
Yes you do need someone to pray for you because charma is real!Think about it before you speak or here's a solution--move!! By the way theres worse living in your community I did the research maybe you need to!!
Here is a good prayer for you:
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,the courage to change the things I can,and the wisdom to know the difference.
To all 'recovering addicts' again we say take the house to your own backyard it is not wanted in Union Grove.
The doctor and her drug loving addicts are not wanted on Union Chapel Road! She has been given a good alternative at Cedar Lodge, and needs to accept it, instead of trying to force herself and these types of residents down the throats of the good "drug free" neighbors of Union Grove.
Her druggie halfway house is not wanted in UG! It is far too secluded and definitely too far away from emergency personnel. Go take up Cannon's proposed offer in Claysville where you will not encounter such unwantedness and ire. Get a clue Mary, do not move where you are so totally unwanted!
Why is it that when a 'recovering addict' posts on this issue they preach about how everyone should be accepting of this and yet they aren't offering up their neighborhoods?
Had Dr Holley not been such a sneak about it in every area where she has tried to put this transitional home into place then maybe there would have been an opportunity for some chance of acceptance. When she starts out by sneaking and lying, well, it says a lot about her and the types of people she wants to force onto other neighborhoods. She needs to take this drug recovery home to the heart of a city where it can be watched by police. Not near elementary schools nor out in woodsy neighborhoods where the kind of sleazy characters it can attract have a place to easily hide! What a great opportunity for them to set up a meth lab in the woods... Security cameras and recovering addicts as supervisors for the residents of the facility isn't even close to good enough!
I agree with the folks of Union Grove and the other communities that turned Mary away, you need to be in a facility that is close to emergency help, not forcing you and yours down the throats of this farming community.
It is my belief that all the recovering addicts and supporters of these meth half way houses need to each rent out a room in their OWN HOMES to these "so called rehabilitated men" that use meth instead of pushing them into a community where they are clearly unwanted.
If they really want to be of real service to meth heads, then let them live under the same roof as the professed recovering addicts and christians that want them living in "other peoples" neighborhoods. That way they can keep a close eye on them, pray with them, and offer up all the loving support they say they need.
Union Grove doesn't want them, so don't force them on the people of that community. How stupid can you really be doctor?
To the person that said: The addicts are there anyways. You are kidding yourselves if you believe they are not. You would have some recovering addicts as opposed to entirely active addicts living nearby. At least, they will have a chance to get clean and be a good neighbor and productive citizen.
Well, the residents of Union Chapel Road say -- YOU can have them! We DON'T want THEM! If there are addicts already here, well then they are current residents with problems and we don't need YOU or Doctor Mary transporting anymore into the area. Especially setting up housekeeping for them. Got it? Well get it! Not wanted now or ever!!
To the person that said: The addicts are there anyways. You are kidding yourselves if you believe they are not. You would have some recovering addicts as opposed to entirely active addicts living nearby. At least, they will have a chance to get clean and be a good neighbor and productive citizen.
Well, the residents of Union Chapel Road say -- YOU can have them! We DON'T want THEM! If there are addicts already here, well then they are current residents with problems and we don't need YOU or Doctor Mary transporting anymore into the area. Especially setting up housekeeping for them. Got it? Well get it! Not wanted now or ever!!
Wow I guess Union Grove has spoken. I must say, I agree with them. I have lived in an area where there was this type of residence and it is not a good thing. Security is never what it should be, and it does draw the dealers into the area.
I say to the residents that live in that area, stick to your guns and do whatever you can to keep that house from opening. There is a right place and a wrong place for these transitional houses, and out in the sticks is not the place!
As for all the backers and recovering addicts that cannot understand why these people do not want this place in there little community, well, maybe you need to openly educate yourselves like you profess to them. You can preach all you want about helping the addicts and how the town should be accepting of these folks, but the truth of the matter is they do not want these people in their town, and with that said you need to look elsewhere for a place to house the addicts. Like they say, closer to police and emergency services, away from elementary schools, and not hidden in the woods.
I can't help but to agree with them when they say take it to your own backyards.
First off, I have never been a meth user. But I have suffered, watching my brothers deal with their addictions. I just want to know the answers to a few questions. What if they were your children or grandchildren,brothers or sisters,or any other person close to you? Would you turn your backs on them as well? I personally could not. Oviously you close-minded people have not experienced someone in your lives being a user. But don't kid yourselves and say it isn't there. I bet most of the nay-sayers posting here, has some family member using right now, and doesn't even know it. And I know someone will say it, so, Yes I would much rather have a halfway house next door, than a meth lab. Also do you people think that Cedar Lodge is close to town and emergency personnel. No, it is not. Is it close to a school? Yes it is. But do you people care? No, you don't. As long as its far the hell away from you. Nobody "wants" these facilities "in their backyard". But they are needed everywhere, in my backyard and yours as well.
OK Autumn, put it in YOUR backyard!
Autumn your ignorance is showing. Cedar Lodge has the service of Guntersville Police Department within 5 miles of them (4.95 to be exact) and that means only a few minutes or less to respond to an emergency. Learn your facts before you slam someone.
Not only is it close to emergency services, it is NOT in a quiet, wooded, VERY rural, farming community like Union Grove is. The Lodge is among the business district, so there is NO comparison!
Prime Example of Why NOT in Union Grove.
from the national news last week
Halfway House Inmates and their Supervisor Face Drug Laboratory Charges
News Staff Writer
Investigators arrested two Department of Corrections inmates and a supervising employee in connection with the manufacture of methamphetamines at a local drug rehabilitation center Tuesday morning.
Police say they discovered the makings of a drug lab, found in a shed at transitional house, while acting on information provided by a local business where many of the illegal drug’s ingredients were purchased.
This is a non-profit, privately owned, religious-based drug treatment center that is currently housing 12 inmates for rehabilitation in the facility’s halfway house. Many of these inmates were committed to the center for rehabilitation through a contract with the Department of Corrections after the inmates had completed an initital 90 day rehab program.
Not only were two DOC inmates of the facility arrested, but the House Supervisor, a "recovered addict" 3 years clean, was arrested as well. All three were charged with conspiracy to manufacture methamphetamines and for manufacturing methamphetamines.
“I’m glad we got it early before anything was sold,” Hickson, the executive director of halfway house said.
“We are going to be looking at whether our inmates there are being adequately and properly supervised,” Hickson explained. He said if they find inmates are not being properly supervised, they would “take measures to correct the problem with whatever we have at our disposal to correct it.”
He also said the investigation also led to the arrest of two women from the community, whose names have not yet been released, living at a residence nearby that planned to be the actual distribution point once the meth was produced.
It was noted the lab was discovered when the suspects had begun manufacturing meth one morning and the unusual odor was noticed by a passerby who reported it to authorities.
This case is still under investigation.
Well I'll be darned it looks like Mary is at it again. She has tried to force this on other areas and does not seem to get it. Maybe she too has fried her brain.
STUPID Meth heads. June 2006
A Theodore man burned to death early Tuesday when the methamphetamine lab he was operating in a locked Tillman's Corner self-storage unit apparently exploded and he could not escape, authorities said.
The man's former wife told investigators she had locked him inside so that he could cook meth, Mobile Fire-Rescue spokesman Steve Huffman said in a news release.
Officer Eric Gallichant, a Mobile police spokesman, identified the victim as Stephen Graham, 29, of Theodore.
Huffman identified the former wife as Kristy Graham. Mobile County court records show that the couple married in April 2003.
"According to a statement from the victim's ex-wife, she locked him in the storage unit shortly after midnight so he could produce meth," the fire department spokesman said. "Apparently the lab ignited, starting the fire and killing the victim."
Gallichant said Tuesday that Kristy Graham had not been charged with a crime. The case likely will be sent to a grand jury, he said.
Nicki Patterson, Mobile County chief assistant district attorney, said that her office will work closely with the Police Department on the case.
If Kristy Graham is in any way connected to the man's death or the meth lab, "certainly we will pursue it," Patterson said.
Capt. Bruce Lee, a deputy in the Mobile County Sheriff's Office, said Tuesday that his department has worked up to 100 meth lab cases in some years. So far this year, he said, they have uncovered 10 such labs.
There have been several meth lab explosions with people suffering severe burns in Mobile and Baldwin counties:
In February 2005, Kenneth D. Johnson, 39, came stumbling into west Mobile County's Jeff Hamilton Road screaming for help. Johnson was severely burned over about half of his body. Authorities believe that fire was started by a meth lab explosion.
Two men and a woman were burned in October 2004 when a suspected meth lab in a shed behind a house in west Mobile exploded. Willie Sellers, 25, Randy Vaughn, 38, and Heather Armstrong, 20, were taken to the University of South Alabama Medical Center for treatment. That explosion occurred in the 1700 block of Colonial Oaks Drive.
In January 2004, a seriously burned man directed Daphne police to a mobile home fire that apparently was started by meth production. The injured man, Brian Scott Woolsey, 38, of Mobile, was critically injured and taken to USAMC for treatment.
That fire took place near Parker Lane and Whispering Pines Road.
Methamphetamine may be inhaled, smoked, or injected. When someone starts using methamphetamine, they have increased energy, feelings of euphoria, decreased appetite, and decreased need for sleep. They also experience increased heart rate, blood pressure, sweating, restlessness, and anxiety.
One of the consequences of regular methamphetamine use, not typically seen with other drugs, is the very long recovery period where the former user experiences depression and little or no pleasure in life. Even things they use to enjoy are no longer satisfying. This inability to get pleasure from life and the environment typically lasts at least 2-3 years after stopping use so far as we know today. However, some persons never recover and remain unsatisfied due to permanent brain damage.
Then there is the permanent brain damage that is done. There are at least two ways this brain damage may occur. Through dopamine depletion, over time, cells that replenish this essential neurotransmitter are destroyed. Brain damage may also occur due to increased blood pressure and heart rate which can cause stroke and death of brain tissue. An irregular heart beat may also lead to heart attack and even death. And autopsy results of methamphetamine users document thousands of mini-strokes at the ends of microscopic blood vessels in the brain typically resulting in premature aging, and in some cases, premature senility.
In addition to brain and heart damage, other diseases such as HIV and hepatitis-C (which incidentally progresses to chronic hepatitis in more than 50% of those infected) are also readily transmitted by intravenous (I.V.) drug use, and statistics show that a minimum of 30 % of all methamphetamine users are using injection as their preferred primary route of administration for this drug. Automobile accidents are another hazard to which meth use contributes and innocent people may be affected. Increased crime is also associated with meth abuse.
Methamphetamine is a very potent central nervous system stimulant. The drug works directly on the brain and spinal cord by interfering with normal neurotransmission. Neurotransmitters are chemical substances naturally produced within nerve cells used to communicate with each other and send messages to influence and regulate our thinking and all other systems throughout the body. Once the damage is done, it is done, and permanent.
The main neurotransmitter affected by methamphetamine is dopamine. Dopamine is involved with our natural reward system. For example, feeling good about a job well done, getting pleasure from our family or social interactions, feeling content and that our lives are meaningful and count for something, all rely on dopamine transmission. Meth destroys this ability.
Typically, drug treatment programs are divided into outpatient, where participants continue to live and work in their community, and inpatient, where those in treatment are placed in a hospital or residential setting where their freedom is more limited and they will live until program completion. Traditionally, outpatient treatment programs are 8-12 weeks in length, and hospital-based or residential inpatient programs are 21 or 28 days in length. Aftercare group treatment follows both outpatient as well as inpatient interventions with the patient attending once per week for one year. During the course of treatment, random urine testing of the patient averages one time per week. These are examples of typical substance abuse treatment programs consistent with currently prevailing standards of care. An innovation in drug treatment allowed for the "half-way house," a hybrid program, usually of six months duration, where the patient lives and attends daily meetings but returns to work in the community concurrently. Other experimental treatment models are in use but the above protocols have been standard for years.
As we review data on treatment failures, we find that with methamphetamine users, the standard treatment protocols are not working well for the abusers. Recalling that dopamine cells are killed by repeated use of methamphetamine, that these cells are a critical part of the brain's "natural reward" system, i.e., needed for motivation and to keep interest in pleasurable things. With it taking 2-3 years for regeneration of these cells following abstinence from the drug, these treatment failures are common and make long term success rates for staying off the drug nearly impossible, if not totally impossible. Current 'success rate percentages' are roughly stated at 1% success for a clean period of more than 90 days without relapse to use of the drug, and the 1% success rate may be over-stated in reality.
Methamphetamine is an extremely potent central nervous system stimulant with effects lasting 12-24 hours. Following the "high" from the drug is a "crash" or long period of depression and exhaustion which stands in sharp contrast to the euphoric, energetic effect initially obtained from the drug. Repetitive, compulsive use of methamphetamine is in large part attributable to efforts to avoid the extreme depression as the high wears off, i.e., withdrawal, and the user desperately seeks to regain even a normal mood state. It therefore becomes difficult to remain drug free when to do so means you will remain highly depressed for a very long time; minimally 2-3 years on average according to statistics dating between 2000- 2005.
Example: Effective treatment of methamphetamine abuse, according to Dr. Sushma Taylor, CEO of Centerpoint, which is the model methamphetamine treatment program in California; it requires much longer treatment protocols than what is currently being used across the nation. The public is being misled when it is told that meth abusers can be treated as outpatients or in transitional homes after inpatient drug rehab care of 30 to 90 days. Initially he prescribes 4 to 6 months of very intensive, confined inpatient treatment to clean the patient and start their behavioral modification therapy. Then 9-12 months of intensive outpatient work consisting of at least 4 hours a day of guided therapy, 4 to 5 times per week, with various levels of therapy that patients must advance through based on successful participation of each level. Additionally, both programs are followed by extended aftercare group sessions lasting minimally for two years. First year aftercare groups should meet 3 times per week, and once per week for the second year as patients are able to progress while residing in a professionally supervised setting that structures their environment to include daily routines and work. Random urine samples need to be taken two times per week to assure abstinence or to identify relapses. Individual sessions with substance abuse professionals also needs to be regularly available to help patients deal with attendant hurt and anger which may be too personal for group settings. At no time should a meth abuser ever be considered cured.
Eventually, individuals will be exposed to environmental cues such as smells, certain places, or people which will trigger cravings for the drug and require support be available and accessed by those in recovery. Relapse-prevention in aftercare must be present 24/7 which helps to address this ahead of time so those tempted to use have a plan in place. Family involvement is important to treatment and family education, in addition to "family week," an intensive week-long component conducted by therapists with educational and family interactional dynamic analysis and intervention provided to participants, is essential to healing. Relapse-prevention shall be facilitated by a family support group and by a continuing peer-support group.
Getting former methamphetamine users back to work as productive, contributing members of the community as soon as practical and sustainable for the patient is important for both the person in recovery from methamphetamine abuse and the community to which prior users often owe some restitution. However, most treatment centers currently in place do not realize the 'as soon as possible' ideal typically means strong intervention; supervision and care must be given 24/7 for a much long period of time than is currently being provided. Once the initial 6 months to 1 years of inpatient/outpatient treatment has been successfully attained without relapse, aftercare support, extended beyond traditionally accepted times, will be a critical treatment component to the success in supporting the methamphetamine user's recovery and decreasing chances that the person will again turn to methamphetamine and give up any hope of life as a productive, responsible, law-abiding citizen.
Again, I will ask the residents of Union Grove - do you honestly think that there are not any addicts living in your community? Could you please answer that? I can guarantee you that there are. There are active meth users living within a mile in every direction of me and I would bet money that it is the same for you. If I had the $$$, I would build the facility myself - in my own backyard. It is the active addicts that you need to worry about, not the ones who voluntarily place themselves in treatment.
In response to: another recovering addict said...
Again, I will ask the residents of Union Grove - do you honestly think that there are not any addicts living in your community? Could you please answer that? I can guarantee you that there are. There are active meth users living within a mile in every direction of me and I would bet money that it is the same for you. If I had the $$$, I would build the facility myself - in my own backyard. It is the active addicts that you need to worry about, not the ones who voluntarily place themselves in treatment.
It is not about whether or not there are meth users in Union Grove, or close to Union Grove. It is about Dr Holley shoving a group facility down the throats of long time residents of the community that simply do not want addicts, recovering or not, living in a group setting in their neighborhood(s). It is that simple!
As for you not having money for building a facility in your backyard, well may I suggest you call the good doctor and offer up your backyard and then start to do some fund raising for the facility.
Union Grove DOES NOT WANT a half way house for addicts in their neighborhoods!
An expanded boot camp is among the options Minnesota is considering in its war against methamphetamine, the cheaply made drug that's become a growing problem nationwide. Other options include stiffer sentences, adding more state agents and finding better ways to treat addiction.
Allison Colker, a senior policy specialist with the National Conference of State Legislatures, said she wasn't aware of any other state launching boot camp programs specifically for meth offenders.
Minnesota's camp wasn't set up for meth offenders when it opened more than 12 years ago, but in the last four years, the number of state prisoners doing time for meth has ballooned from 139 to more than 1,000.
"I came here solely because it was going to cut my sentence shorter," said Ruzek, 39. "I didn't really associate it with changing my life as much as doing hard labor to get out of prison early."
But the discipline and treatment Ruzek found in the camp had unexpected effects. Inmates are required to attend group chemical dependency sessions to talk about their addictions — mostly to meth, but crack and cocaine for some. Ruzek is now hopeful he may actually be able to kick a meth habit he started almost 15 years ago. Although there is no guarantee, the bootcamp offers him a better chance to succeed at kicking the habit.
Besides the counseling, the Challenge Incarceration Program, as it's known, includes the usual boot camp features.
"This criminal life has come to an end. We'll do what's right through thick and thin!" chants a 16-man squadron on a march. Others attack a pile of logs with two-man saws. If spoken to, the men answer with "Sir" or "Ma'am" — or they have to drop and do push-ups.
For prisoners, the stakes are high. If they fail any part of the program or a year of post-release supervision, they go back to prison without credit for time in the program. Fewer than half of the nearly 2,000 inmates have made it through the end. It's a tough program, but tough is what is needed. Cushy inpatient or outpatient facilities will not help a meth addict kick their habit. That's been proven over and over again.
Of those who do finish, history still suggests 8 to 10 percent will return to prison and 2 percent will be convicted of new crimes but, those statistics are better than most offered in other meth programs. Typically less than 1% of meth addicts ever truly recover and stay that way.
The structure of boot camps — where people are never, repeat never, alone and must account for every minute of the day — is used in many drug treatment programs, said Steve Dnistrian, executive vice president of the Partnership for a Drug-Free America. They are supervised by professionals with education in law, rehabilitation, medicine, and more. They are under constant surveillance by personnel and cameras, they are in fenced facilities, and drug tested every 2 to 3 days a week. They know up front what to expect.
"Tough love has been a central ingredient to a lot of the successful programs," he said. "The group dynamic is absolutely central. These guys are living with each other 24 hours a day, seven days a week. When they exhibit negative behavior, the others will call them on the mat."
Michael McDuffie, 45, finished boot camp about six months ago. McDuffie, a 30-year meth user, said it was the best thing that ever happened to him. "It made me take a long look," he said. "It made me realize that I needed to turn my life around and this was an opportunity to do it. ... I wouldn't have changed my attitude without it." I have a long road ahead of me, and I hope that I stay clean, and this is the first time I actually feel like I have a chance to do just that.
According to one idiot, Dr, Mary Holley, it's atheism:
Dr. Holley said the people who are hooked on methamphetamine needed to "heal their spirit and then heal their addiction." She said people are making meth their idol, just as they do money, sex, television and pleasure. "Drug addiction is a form of idolatry. Users will sacrifice everything they own at the altar of meth," she said.
She said atheism has become the national religion, and people are saying God is a fairy tale, you shouldn't suppress your urges and that addiction is inevitable. She said drug users often get mad at the whole world and at God.
Yes, let's overlook that whole brain/body combination of physiological and psychological dependence that leads to addiction and instead blame it on a lack of belief in fairy tales. And let's also not look behind the curtain to see that Dr. Holley's approach is essentially trading one addiction for another; I've known several people who, in loooking for meaning in their lives, have turned to others, to alcohol, to drugs, to God, never once pausing to think that maybe the meaning is something they determine internally from their own fortitude... and so, their search continues.
Now that, ladies and gents, is what we call "sound science."
Makes you wonder which diploma mill gave Dr. Holley her pretty piece of paper to frame in order to get a medical license, doesn't it?
Quotes taken from her own interviews...
"Meth is different from every other drug we deal with. It’s so hard to quit because of its effects. I’ve dealt with bad cocaine addicts, but they’re nothing compared to meth addicts. I’ve had addicts tell me the drug calls to them long after they quit using,” Chief Deputy Toby Giles said. “Meth makes a person paranoid, dangerous and violent. They’ll stay awake for days at a time.
And what is available is too brief and frequently ineffective because of the brain damage resulting from even short-term use of meth. “We have to treat them like a closed head injury patient,” said Mary Holley. “We have taken the alcohol 28-day model, and found out that this just won’t cut it for these people. Nobody ever survives a meth addiction! Let’s not play games anymore—this is death.”
Residents of Union Grove,
You have stated that you do not want the facility in your area, but I don't understand exactly why. I am not trying to pick a fight, just trying to understand. You are worried about theft, violence, and all the other things associated with active drug addicts. That much I do understand. But, if you already have addicts in the community, why would a house for recovering addicts increase anything? I can guarantee you if someone relapsed (and there are some that definately will) they are not going to even want to continue living at the facility - nor would they be allowed to. So, why does it matter?
I think the concern the residents have is legitimate. It seems what matters is there are a bunch of
so-called recovering addicts living in a group setting, which is out in the middle of nowhere, in a small, quiet community where there is NO access to immediate police or emergency assistance should the need arise. By moving this type of group facility into such a remote area one with any common sense would understand that you are most like only asking for trouble, regardless of whether or not there are any meth users living in their own homes already somewhere in the area (which is not the issue by the way).
Doctor Holley has forced her way into this community 'under the radar' and has lied about support from community leaders from the start. The citizens of this area (although I do not live near the proposed site) have every right to not want such a facility in their neighborhoods. It is not something the community decided they wanted, it is something an "outsider" decided to sneakily force upon them. Get it oh so called another recovering addict???
Here's Reality - Transitional House in a Rural Setting = Doomed Drug Addicts!
The problem of dealing drugs to recovering addicts at or near drug treatment facilities is the cruelest side of a cruel business: preying on the most vulnerable citizens when they are at their weakest. Those who are fighting their addiction in treatment and recovery programs are very often targets of drug traffickers looking for an easy sale. I've seen it over and over again. It does not matter if the facility is in plain sight, or in a remote setting. What matters is easy accessibility, and lack of visible law enforcement. So long as the deals can come and go without any real fear of being easily caught and hauled off to jail, they will be there!
One such treatment facility I am very familiar with, had an open-air drug market that existed in the parking lot of a McDonald’s right next to the Model Treatment Program, which was located on a street with constant flow of traffic. A subsequent GAO investigation found that drug dealing was rampant in the immediate vicinity of many treatment centers, in numerous locations throughout the country. The only ones that are immune to these dealers are those that have a police force right there, right now! If the dealers can see the cops, they know the cops see them and they go elsewhere.
One such police department case I had; a city employee, on work release as part of the transitional drug program, was fired after beginning to re-use methamphetamine after being enticed to do so by a person that was in her drug treatment program. This otherwise seemingly productive citizen, who was months into recovery, has again had her life torn apart by an amoral drug seller who cared more about making money than allowing the woman to succeed in treatment. The meth addict, too weak minded to resist using again, is forever addicted, and an easy target.
Within just the past three weeks, my police department began investigating a convicted drug dealer who served time in Prison on state drug charges. The dealer is now operating an "herbal clinic" on the ground floor of a hotel which is subsidized by the city, and also being used as a halfway house by formerly homeless persons, many of whom are in drug treatment programs. This particular transitional facility, and eight others are not far from school campuses. Recent statistics show a dramatic increase in the use of meth among the students since the opening of these facilities, and many of the formerly homeless residents of the facility have turned back to the streets, using drugs and committing crimes. Officials say that it is not uncommon for them to encounter teens that have purchased drugs only to find that it was from one of the residents in the transitional drug treatment home, and the school kids are now re-selling the drugs to other school age kids.
I could give more examples, and these types of stories could be multiplied by the 60,000 police officers that I am affiliated with whom represent the NNOAC.
When it comes to Meth, it is the euphoric recall of persons in recovery, and a very strong addiction that weakens the person when they encounter something so simple as old sights, smells, situations, or other temptations from their past while under the influence that often leads them to the re-initiation of drug use. Because all drugs of abuse are synergistic, even marijuana may serve as the catalyst for a meth, coke, or heroin user to slip back into the bonds of a drug lifestyle. Because of that danger, drug treatment programs that I am familiar with are under surveillance 24/7 by professional counselors, have a secured, monitored perimeter and local law enforcement presence at all times.
Dr. * and Dr. * of the *Treatment Centers each conduct weekly therapy sessions for these centers, and both have told me that they too have seen these predatory drug sellers lurking near drug treatment and recovery centers looking for customers who are susceptible to relapse. These centers they speak of have what would be considered a relaxed setting, no fences and simple camera monitoring for security on the premises. Internally there are counselors that keep an eye on those in treatment but, there is no regular presence of law enforcement outside in the immediate vicinity of these centers. Occasionally a patrol car may pass by and that is about all there is. They say it is exhausting and heartbreaking because the failure rate there is near and mostly over 99%, which means that 9 out of 10, if not 10 out of 10 residents, never succeed. Most return to a life of drug abuse, and crime. I too have seen these predators firsthand in scores of investigations that I have conducted or supervised at or near treatment centers and Methadone clinics. So long as they are free to peddle their drugs to addicts in recovery centers, group facilities, and halfway houses without fear of law enforcement nearby, they will do so as it is easy money with so many addicts in one setting.
It was the stupid, selfish Addicts CHOICE to do drugs in the first place, not the rest of the residents in Union Grove! So, don't make it their problem!!
I say, as for the location of the halfway house /transitional facility, it should be a choice of the NON-drug using community residents that live in the town, NOT up to Dr. Mary or the idiots who choose to abuse drugs in the first place.
If the person that first CHOSE to use the drug had thought about someone other than themselves BEFORE ever taking the drug, well, there wouldn't be a problem now would there ???
He Mary, go buy some property and build yourself a church somewhere, and make sure to have lots of room for bunkbeds in the basement. That way you can take in all the druggies you want and preach all you want. Just keep it out of the rural communities that have no or limited police services, and no one will fight you.
Mary, Think BEFORE you act, stop acting like the druggies you want to force onto the folks of Union Grove.
Apparently someone from the community wanted them there. I researched a little more into the story and found that Dr. Holly was donated the land and the house for this purpose.
To anonymous,
Not all addicts make the choice to use. I have seen 11 and 12 year old kids given drugs by their parents. Do you think they could've made an intelligent choice? It happens more than you would like to think. Parents that use drugs almost always have kids that use drugs - unless someone intervenes to break the cycle.
I have known teenagers that were given drugs at alcohol parties after they were too drunk to think. Sure, they shouldn't have been drinking - but do you think really knew the consequences of their actions?
What about everyone else that is simply not educated about the dangers of drug use, especially meth? No one thinks that trying something, just once or twice, for fun will ruin their lives and everyone's around them. I am sure you have heard the saying "No one grows up thinking they want to be an addict."
Please be careful with your words. Your loved one could be next.
donated land because the owner was mad at the local commissioner and did it out of spite. that doesn't make it "wanted by the community".
YOU and the Meth Heads are NOT wanted soooooo ... go look elsewhere! Guntersville seems to have a lot of supporters and drug addicts, along with a police force. Try them out. Oh wait! That would be in YOUR backyard then wouldn't it doctor!?!
HA HA! I heard doctor Mary call the people of Union Grove too stupid to stop her. Shows what she is really about now don't it.
Seems to me Mary has failed to realize that having a mission is one thing, and doing the right thing - is the right thing to do. I can understand her drive and desire for wanting to get facilities in place that help meth addicts after her losing a brother to the drug but, I do no understand why she believes she has the right to go anywhere she wants against the locals wishes. This is neither the right way to do this, nor the christian way. Mary needs to realize that having a passion can often turn to obsession and blind one to approaching situations in the right manner, and in a christianly way. I don't think her approach in Union Grove is either.
Mary needs to back up a moment and consider how she is coming across. She is trying to force something onto a community that clearly is against it. They have also gone and offered an alternative that she quickly turned her nose up at while stating she was going to plow ahead with the home in Union Grove regardless of what the residents in the area want or don't want, or are willing to offer in its place. Mary is selfish. It is plain to see that. She really needs to do some of her own soul searching and realize that her passion is not everyone elses passion. She needs to approach communities differently if she wants to succeed.
Does anyone have any ideas of what Dr. Mary Holley should do? She was given approximately 40 acres plus a house in the Union Grove area for this purpose. I don't know all the details, but if a donation was made for a certain purpose I don't think she can sell it and just find somewhere else so easily. So, what should she do?
Nothing was "given" to her. It has been offered "rent free" so it is not an issue of what she has to do regarding the property. All she need do is say, thanks but no thanks and go elsewhere. Such as the offer that was made for Cedar Lodge - which would be a much better facility for the meth addicts. Lets face it, the residents in Union Grove do not want the group facility located in their neighborhoods, and that should be respected. She can offer up the same help at Cedar Lodge, with better assistance and security, and WITHOUT all the resistance she is meeting in Union Grove. So, logically speaking Cedar Lodge is what she should accept and leave the residents of Union Grove alone.
Thank you, Angela. When I read the story I took "donation" to mean that it was given to her. I personally would not want to build somewhere with so much resistance. If she is meeting so much hostility now, I can only imagine how much worse it will get once they actually move in. I just don't understand why all the hostility. I have heard rumors that there is another reason some of the residents don't want the attention in their area, but they are only rumors (might be true, but I don't know that) so I won't be posting them here.
I think what she is doing is a great thing. I know of a couple of other similiar houses in other states that are doing good. Both are for women only. There does need to be more. But, I do agree, with support from the community.
I agree that the doctor should reconsider placement of this facility and look to what Cedar Lodge has to offer her and the people needing help in their recovery. It sounds to me like Cedar Lodge is better suited to this situation given its locale, and given the fact that the Union Grove area home is so unwanted. I know that the community leaders in Marshall County will do all they can to assist the doctor with setting up meth care at Cedar Lodge, and the residents of Union Grove have even supported that idea. So, what I don't understand why she would want to keep irritating people by trying to force a group home in an area that doesn't want it around. Seems to me she is only asking for trouble. Maybe she likes that kind of attention. But it seems to me that someone that truly just wants to help the addicts out would jump at the Lodge offer and tell the people of Union Grove - see ya!
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