This is dedicated to Travis Holappa who was kidnapped, tortured and murdered on July 25, 2004 in Northern Minnesota. This was all due to meth. I am Travis' mother and I wish to make this devastation turn into a better thing by educating and exposing the truth about meth, the dangers, and the deadly consequences it brings about to individuals and communities.

My Photo
Location: Colorado, United States

I want to do what I can to educate people about what is going on around the world with the meth problem. I want people to know about it BEFORE they even get the idea to want to try it. It is a dangerous drug and will ruin your life as well as all those who love you. I am on a mission on behalf of my only son, Travis.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Recovery Resources!!!

16 Steps of Discovery and Empowerment, Box 1302, Lolo, MT 59847; (406) 273-6080; Offers support for addiction, codependency, abuse and empowerment with The 16 Steps to help members celebrate personal strengths, stand up for themselves, heal physically, express love and see themselves as part of the entire community.

Adult Children of Alcoholics WSO, P.O. Box 3216, Torrance, CA 90510, (310) 534-1815; A 12-step, 12-tradition program of women and men who grew up in alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional homes, who meet in a mutually respectful, safe environment and acknowledge common experiences.

AIDS Service Center of Lower Manhattan, Inc.: Empowerment, 41 East 11th St., 5th Floor, New York, NY 10003; (212) 645-0875 ext. 148; Facilitates the creation of Empowerment, a peer-delivered recovery community organization.

Al-Anon/Alateen, 1600 Corporate Landing Parkway, Virginia Beach, VA 23454-5617; (757) 563-1600 or

(888) 425-2666; Provides support for families and friends of alcoholics.

Alcohol and Drug Council of Middle Tennessee: Nashville Area Recovery Alliance, 2612 Westwood Drive, Nashville, TN 37204; (615) 269-0029 ext. 138; This grassroots, membership-based organization is comprised of individuals in recovery, as well as their families and friends.

Alcoholics Anonymous, P.O. Box 459, New York, NY, 10163; (212) 870-3400; Offers a support group that provides sponsorship and a 12-step program for life without alcohol. For AA meetings in your community, go to

Alcoholics Victorious, 1045 Swift St., Kansas City, MO 64116-4127; (816) 471-8020; A Christian-oriented, 12-step support group offering information and referrals, literature, phone support, conferences, support group meetings and a newsletter.

Alliance for Recovery, 6601 Grand Teton Plaza, Suite A, Madison, WI 53719; (800) 787-9979; Empowers people to become advocates for recovery.

American Indian Community House, 708 Broadway, Eighth Floor, New York, NY 10003; (212) 598-0100; Provides health and social services for American Indians in New York City.

American Self-Help Sourcebook, Saint Clare's Health Services, 100 East Hanover Ave., Suite 202,

Cedarknolls, NJ 07927; (973) 326-6789; A searchable database of more than 1,100 national, international, model and online self-help support groups for addictions.

Anesthetists in Recovery, 8233 Brookside Road, Elkins Park, PA 19027; (215) 635-0183; A network of recovering nurse anesthetists who support one another through phone support, information and referrals to groups and treatment.

Asian Counseling and Referral Service, Inc., 720 Eighth Ave. South, Suite 200, Seattle, WA 98104;

(206) 695-7600; Provides a culturally competent, linguistically accessible community recovery center for Asian and Pacific Americans and other immigrants and refugees with a history of alcohol and drug use disorders.

Association of Persons Affected by Addiction, 2438 Butler St., Suite 120, Dallas, TX 75235; (214) 634-2722; A non-profit organization designed to engage the consumer and recovery community voice in reducing stigma and enhancing services, providing recovery support services.

Association of Recovery Schools, 145 Thompson Lane, Nashville, TN 37211; (615) 248-8206; Brings together students and secondary and post-secondary schools, and helps professionals to support students in recovery from alcohol and drug use disorders.

Augsburg College Step-Up Program, 2211 Riverside Ave., Campus Box 82, Minneapolis, MN 55454; (612) 330-1405; Provides support to and special programs for students in recovery at Augsburg College.

Benzodiazepine Anonymous, 11633 San Vincente Blvd., Suite 314, Los Angeles, CA 90049;

(310) 652-4100: A mutual support group for persons in recovery from addiction to benzodiazepines (Xanax<0x00AE>, Halcion<0x00AE>, Valium<0x00AE>, Ativan<0x00AE>, Dalmane<0x00AE>, Librium<0x00AE>, etc.) or any other addicting prescription drug.

California Association of Addiction Recovery Resources, 2921 Fulton Ave., P.O. Box 214127, Sacramento, CA 95821; (916) 338-9460; Educates and provides statewide recovery resources for alcoholics and people with addiction problems.

Calix Society, 2555 Hazelwood Ave., St. Paul, MN 55109-2030; (651) 773-3117; A 12-step fellowship of Catholic alcoholics who help one another maintain sobriety through Alcoholics Anonymous and a focus on total abstinence and spiritual development.

CASASTART, The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA), 633 Third Ave., 19th floor, New York, NY 10017; (212) 841-5200; A community-based, school-centered program from Columbia University, designed to keep high-risk preadolescents (8 to 13 years old) free of drug and crime involvement.

Catholic Charities, USA, 1731 King St., Alexandria, VA 22314-2756; (703) 549-1390; A membership association providing vital social services to people in need, regardless of their religious, social or economic backgrounds.

Celebrate Recovery, 25422 Trabuco Road, #105-151, Lake Forest, CA 92630; (949) 581-0548; A worldwide, Christ-centered recovery ministry focusing on the 12 Steps and their Biblical principles and the corresponding Eight Recovery Principles found in the Beatitudes.

Center for the Application of Substance Abuse Technologies, Frontier Recovery Network, University of Nevada, Reno, Mailstop 279, Reno, NV 89557-0256; (775) 784-6265; Assists recovering individuals with education and referrals for treatment, housing, transportation, child care and life skills.

Center for Community Alternatives: Syracuse Recovery Community Support Project, 115 East Jefferson St., Suite 300, Syracuse, NY 13202, (315) 422-5638 ext. 222; Organizes recovering individuals involved in the criminal justice system to improve the delivery of treatment to offenders and ex-offenders and to help reduce the dual stigmatization of ex-offenders in recovery.

Center for the Study of Addiction and Recovery at Texas Tech University, Box 41162, Lubbock, TX 79409-1162; (806) 742-2891; Provides social and financial support to students in recovery, offers a Substance Abuse Studies Minor and received a federal grant from the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment to begin replicating its Collegiate Recovery Community at other college campuses around the country.

Chapter Nine Group of Hollywood, MD, 1168 White Sands Drive, Lusby, MD 20657; (410) 586-1425; A 12-step program of recovering couples in which partners work together.

Chemically Dependent Anonymous, P.O. Box 423, Severna Park, MD 21146-0423; (888) CDA-HOPE; Carries the message of recovery to the chemically dependent person with desire to abstain from drugs or alcohol.

Children of Alcoholics Foundation, 164 West 74th St., New York, NY 10023; (646) 505-2060; Aims to reduce the impact of parental substance use on children and families and help children reach their full potential by breaking the intergenerational cycle of parental substance use.

Co-Anon Family Groups, P.O. Box 12722, Tucson, AZ 85732-2722; (520) 513-5028; A fellowship of men and women - husbands, wives, parents, relatives or close friends - of someone who is chemically dependent, offering a 12-step program that combines self- and mutual support systems.

Cocaine Anonymous World Services, 3740 Overland Ave., Suite C, Los Angeles, CA 90034; (310) 559-5833; (800) 347-8998; A fellowship of men and women who share their experiences, strength and hope to help others recover from addiction.

Community Recovery Network, P.O. Box 28, Santa Barbara, CA 93102, (805) 899-2933; Provides leadership in community responses to alcohol and drug use disorders.

Connecticut Community for Addiction Recovery, 530 Silas Dean Highway, Suite 220,

Wethersfield, CT 06109; (860) 571-2985; A community of persons in recovery, family members and friends whose goal is to put a positive face and voice on recovery.

Connecticut Department of Mental Health Addiction Services, 410 Capitol Ave., P.O. Box 341431, Hartford, CT 06134; (800) 446-7348; Promotes and administers comprehensive, recovery-oriented state services in mental health treatment and alcohol and drug use disorder prevention and treatment.

Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse, 232 East Canon Perdido St., Suite H, Santa Barbara, CA 93101; (805) 963-1433; Provides peer-led recovery support services in Santa Barbara.

Crystal Meth Anonymous, 8205 Santa Monica Blvd. PMB 1-114, West Hollywood, CA 90046-5977; (213) 488-4455; A 12-step fellowship for those in recovery from addiction to crystal meth.

Double Trouble Recovery, Inc., P.O. Box 245055, Brooklyn, NY 11224; (718) 373-2684; A fellowship of men and women, dually diagnosed with an addiction and a mental disorder, who share their experience strength and hope.

Dual Diagnosis Anonymous World Services, Inc, 320 North "E" St., Suite 209, San Bernardino, CA 92401; (909) 888-9282; Addresses the needs of individuals diagnosed with co-occurring alcohol and drug use disorders and mental illness.

Dual Recovery Anonymous, P.O. Box 8107, Prairie Village, KS 66208; (877) 883-2332; A self-help program for individuals who experience a dual disorder of chemical dependency and a psychiatric or emotional illness, based on the 12 steps and personal experiences.

Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians: A-Ye-Ga: Awakening the Recovery Spirit, Eastern Band of Cherokee Nation, PO Box 455, Cherokee, NC 28719; (828) 497-2088; A recovery community organization of, by and for the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians.

El Paso Alliance, Inc.: Recovery Alliance, 6000 Welch No. 7, El Paso, TX 79905; (915) 594-7000; A community organization of people in recovery from alcohol and drug use disorders and their family, friends and community allies.

Faces and Voices of Recovery, 1010 Vermont Ave. NW, Suite 708, Washington, D.C. 20005;

(202) 737-0690; A national recovery advocacy campaign mobilizing people in recovery from alcohol and drug use disorders and their family members, friends and allies.

Families Anonymous, P.O. Box 3475, Culver City, CA 90231-3475; (800) 736-9805; A 12-step self-help, recovery and fellowship of support groups for relatives and friends of those who have alcohol, drug, or behavioral problems.

Family Empowerment Network 777 South Mills St., Madison, WI 53715; (608) 262-6590;

(800) 462-5254; Offers support, education and training for families of children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome or Fetal Alcohol Effects, as well as interested professionals.

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Family Resource Institute, P.O. Box 2525, Lynnwood, WA 98036;

(253) 531-2878; A grassroots coalition of families and professionals concerned with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome/Effects, offering educational programs, brochures, information packets, group meetings, phone support, conferences and referrals.

Friends of Recovery-Vermont, P.O. Box 1202, Montpelier, VT 05601; (802) 229-6103 or (800) 769-2798; A grassroots advocacy organization that offers a speaker's bureau, stages recovery celebration events and provides resources for schools and legislators.

General Board of Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church, 110 Maryland Ave. NE, Suite 404, Washington, D.C. 20002; (202) 548-2712; Offers faith-based programs for people with alcohol and drug use disorders.

GROUP Ministries, Inc.: Peer Outreach to Recovery Community, 1333 Jefferson Ave., Buffalo, NY 14208; (716) 883-4367, ext. 18; Provides peer recovery support services focused primarily on African Americans and other people of color.

Hope Networks/We Recover Foundation, 8867 Highland Road, Suite 320, Baton Rouge, LA 70808;

(888) 472-0786; Supports community efforts around treatment, job skills, living skills and retraining programs to reduce poverty, crime and illiteracy.

Hypoics Not Anonymous, 8779 Misty Creek Drive, Sarasota, FL 34241; (941) 929-0893; A group open to anyone with any type of addiction, using the philosophy that addictions are caused by neurological mechanisms rather than personal weaknesses.

International Lawyers in Alcoholics Anonymous, P.O. BOX 158, Polson, MT 59860; (406) 883-2173; A clearinghouse for support groups for lawyers who are recovering alcoholics or have other chemical dependencies.

Inter-Congregational Alcoholism Program, 7777 Lake St., Suite 115, River Forest, IL 60305-1734; (708) 488-9770; A network of recovering alcoholic women in religious orders.

International Pharmacists Anonymous, 11 Dewey Lane, Glen Gardner, NJ 08826-3102; (908) 537-4295; A 12-step fellowship of pharmacists and pharmacy students recovering from any addiction.

Jewish Addiction Services/Jewish Big Brother and Big Sister League, 5750 Park Height Ave., Suite 286, Baltimore, MD 21208; (410) 484-1991; An outpatient treatment program for adolescents, adults and families suffering from alcohol, drug or other addictions

Jewish Alcoholics, Chemically Dependent Persons and Significant Others, 850 Seventh Ave., Penthouse, New York, NY 10019; (212) 397-4197; Assists Jewish alcoholics, chemically dependent persons and their families, friends and associates to explore recovery.

Johnson Institute, 613 Second St. NE, Washington, D.C. 20002; (202) 662-7104; A national organization working to identify and eliminate barriers to recovery by enhancing awareness, prevention, intervention and treatment practices for alcohol and drug use disorders.

The Legal Action Center, 153 Waverly Place, New York, NY 10014; (212) 243-1313; A non-profit law and policy organization fighting discrimination against people with histories of alcohol and drug use disorders and advocating for sound public policies.

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center SpeakOUT!: Voices for Recovery,

208 West 13th St., New York, NY 10011, (212) 620-7310; Works to create safe and welcoming spaces for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in recovery.

LifeRing Secular Recovery, 1440 Broadway, Suite 312, Oakland, CA 94612-2023; (510) 763-0779 or (800) 811-4142; A worldwide nonprofit that promotes an alternative to spiritual 12-step programs with meetings led by peer volunteers and give-and-take dialogue, as opposed to the 12-step's uninterrupted monologue.

Maine Alliance for Addiction Recovery, 8 Mulliken Court, Augusta, ME 04330; (207) 621-8118, A grassroots alliance of individuals aiming to change legislation and resource allocation, raise awareness through public acknowledgment and promote support by sharing experiences of recovering people, their families and friends.

Massachusetts Organization for Addiction Recovery, 30 Winter St., Third Floor, Boston, MA 02108; (617) 423-6627; A collective voice of people in recovery, families and friends helping educate the public about the value of living in recovery, and the resources to support recovery.

Marijuana Anonymous World Services, P.O. Box 2912 Van Nuys, CA 91404; (800) 766-6779 A fellowship of men and women who share a desire to stop using marijuana by using the basic 12 Steps of recovery.

Men for Sobriety, P.O. Box 618, Quakertown, PA 18951-0618; (215) 536-8026: Helps men recover from problem drinking through the discovery of self, gained by sharing experiences, hopes and encouragement.

Mesa Peer Recovery Program: Women in Recovery, Our Common Welfare; 860 North Center St.,

Mesa, AZ 85201; (480) 464-5764; A recovery community organization for women in Arizona and New Mexico.

Nar-Anon/Narateen, 22527 Crenshaw Blvd., Suite No. 200 B, Torrance, CA 90505; (800) 477-6291; Provides support for families and friends of drug users.

Narconon, 7060 Hollywood Blvd., Suite 220, Hollywood, CA 90028; (323) 962-2404; A non-profit drug rehab program dedicated to eliminating drug abuse and drug addiction through drug prevention, education and rehabilitation.

Narcotics Anonymous World Services, P.O. Box 9999, Van Nuys, CA 91409; 818-773-9999; A non-profit fellowship society open to all men and women for whom any drug has become a major problem. For NA meetings in your community, go to or call (818) 773-9999 and ask for fellowship services.

National Association on Drug Abuse Problems, Inc., 355 Lexington Ave., Second Floor, New York, NY 10017; (212) 986-1170; A private non-profit organization founded by business and labor leaders providing programs to assist at-risk and underserved individuals to become independent, self-sufficient and employed.

The Next Step,<0x00A0>276 Sherman St., Albany, NY 12206, (518) 465-5249; Provides residential treatment for women recovering from alcoholism and drug abuse.

Overcomers In Christ, P.O. Box 34460, Omaha, NE 68134; (402) 573-0966; A recovery program that deals with every aspect of addiction and dysfunction using Christ-centered motivations.

Overcomers Outreach, Inc., P.O. 922950, Sylmar, CA 91392-2950; (800) 310-3001; Provides Christ-centered, 12-step support for persons with any compulsive behavior, their families and friends.

Oxford House, Inc., 1010 Wayne Ave., Suite 400, Silver Spring, MD 20910; (301) 587-2916; A democratically run, self-supporting and drug-free group home.

Pascua Yaqui Tribe of Arizona: Community Change Oriented Recovery Effort,

9405 South Avenida del Yaqui, Guadalupe, AZ 85283; (480) 768-2025; Provides quality, competent and culturally compatible peer services to tribal and community members.

Pennsylvania Recovery Organizations Alliance, Inc. Statewide/Regional Community Mobilization Project, 900 South Arlington Avenue, Suite 119, Harrisburg, PA 17109; (717) 545-8929; Supports recovery through peer-driven support services and education.

Pima Prevention Partnership: People with Recovery and Disabilities, 330 North Commerce Park Loop, Suite 160, Tucson, AZ 85745; (520) 791-2711; Aims to reduce relapse and supports wellness using a strength-based approach to recovery for Native Americans.

Pima Hispanic Council: Proyecto Bienestar (Project Well Being), 712 North Main St., Eloy, AZ 85231; (520) 466-7765; Seeks to empower members, motivating them to sustain recovery through education and training.

Por La Causa, Inc., 1112 East Buckeye Road, Phoenix, AZ 85034-4043; (602) 257-0700; A s non-profit community development corporation offering social service programs and services throughout Arizona.

Presbyterians for Addiction Action, 100 Witherspoon St., Room 3041, Louisville, KY 40202;

(888) 728-7228 ext. 5800; Assists Presbyterians as they minister in an addictive society to restore people of the Presbyterian faith.

Psychologists Helping Psychologists, 3484 South Utah St., Arlington, VA 22206; (703) 243-4470; A mutual support group for doctoral-level psychologists or students who have had a personal experience with alcohol or drugs.

Rational Recovery Systems, Box 800, Lotus, CA 95651; (530) 621-2667; A program of self-recovery from addiction to alcohol and other drugs through planned, permanent abstinence using Addictive Voice Recognition Technique.

Recover Magazine, P.O. Box 4078, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33338; (954) 764-1069 or (866) 2-RECOVER; A bi-monthly lifestyle magazine for people at all stages of addiction recovery.

Recovery Association Project, 1100 NE 28th Ave., Portland OR 97232; (503) 234-3133; A peer-led recovery community organization focusing on building leadership and power among people in recovery through leadership and active citizenship.

Recovery Consultants of Atlanta, Inc., 1904 Glenwood Ave. SE, Decatur, GA 30316;

(404) 370-0123; A faith-based organization collaborating with treatment programs, community organizations and faith institutions to develop services and programs to benefit the state's recovery community.

Recovery Resource Center, 1140 Lake St., Oak Park, IL 60301; (708) 445-0500; Links individuals in recovery to an array of holistic recovery supports, with special emphasis on meeting the needs of women.

Reviving the Human Spirit: A Faith Community Initiative, Rookwood Tower, 3805 Edwards Road, Suite 500, Cincinnati, OH 45209-1948; (513) 458-6640; Dedicated to improving community health in Cincinnati and 20 surrounding counties.

Rockland Council on Alcoholism and Other Drug Dependence, Inc.: Friends of Recovery- Rockland, 20 Squadron Blvd., Suite 650, New City, NY 10956; (845) 639-7373 ext. 28; Challenges stereotypes about addiction recovery.

St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 221 34th St., Newport News, VA 23607; (757) 244-9107; Hosts 12-step programs and other affiliate programs.

Self-Management and Recovery Training Recovery, 7537 Mentor Ave., Suite 306

Mentor, OH 44060; (888) 951-5351; (440) 951-5357; Supports individuals abstaining from any type of addictive behaviors by teaching how to change self-defeating thinking, emotions and actions; and to work toward long-term satisfactions and quality of life. Virtual fellowship for recovery on the Internet with daily reflections, discussion boards, chat rooms, online meetings and software that helps those in recovery track their progress; based on Alcoholics Anonymous' 12-step program. Annual membership is $12.

SOS Clearinghouse (Save Our Selves), 4773 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood, CA 90027;

(323) 666-4295; Provides an alternative to those paths to sobriety depending on supernatural or religious beliefs.

Southcentral Foundation: Alaska Women's Recovery Project, 4130 San Ernesto Ave., Anchorage, AK 99508; (907) 729-5090; Provides leadership training, mentoring and support for recovering women.

The Springs Rescue Mission, 5 West Las Vegas St., Colorado Springs, CO 80903; (719) 632-1822; Reaches the poor and needy of Colorado Springs by providing for their physical needs while ministering restoration to their spirit, soul and body.

TASC, Inc. (Treatment Alternatives for Safe Communities) Restoring Citizenship, 1500 North Halsted St., Chicago, IL 60622; (312) 573-8211; Supports ex-offenders in restoring themselves to healthy and productive citizenship; sponsors Winners' Circles, peer-led recovery support groups for ex-offenders and their families.

Western Massachusetts Training Consortium: The Franklin County Recovery Community,

187 High St., Suite 204, Holyoke, MA 01040; (413) 536-2401 ext. 3006; A peer-led recovery community helping those in recovery assume meaningful roles in their towns and neighborhoods

Vera Institute of Justice - La Bodega de la Familia, 272 East Third St., New York, NY 10009;

(212) 982-2335; Offers family- and community-based recovery services for people on parole or probation.

VOICES for Addiction Recovery, NC, Inc, P.O. Box 2925, Asheville, NC 28802; (828) 252-9022; Serves addicted, single pregnant women, addicted teenagers and adults who have become part of the criminal justice system and the growing Hispanic population with addiction issues.

White Bison, Inc.: Circles of Recovery II - Putting a New Face on Recovery, 6145 Lehman Drive, Suite 200, Colorado Springs, CO 80918; (866) 461-9194; Conducts education, training, and development focused on Native American recovery communities on reservations and in urban areas.

Women for Sobriety, P.O. Box 618, Quakertown, PA 18951-0618; (215) 536-8026; Designed specifically to help the woman alcoholic achieve sobriety by addressing the need to overcome depression and guilt through the "New Life" program.


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Saturday, August 12, 2006 7:24:00 PM  
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Monday, February 15, 2010 10:25:00 PM  

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