Daisies learn about drugs (Colorado)
Parents: It's never too early
By John Mangalonzo Journal-Advocate staff writerjmangalonzo@journal-advocate.com
STERLING - It's never too early for higher learning about the dangers of illegal drugs.
The short attention span of 5- and 6-year-old girls was nonexistent Wednesday night as Logan County Sheriff's Department Operations Lt. Walt Page made a presentation on the dangers and consequences of illegal drug use.
Page came equipped with visual aids such as brochures and a briefcase with examples of drugs he encountered during his days on the drug task force.
The venue at the Girls Scouts Pawnee Lodge in Pioneer Park was filled with inquiring minds reflected in the many questions Page received from members of the Daisy Troop 490.
"We have nine Daisies in our troop from 5- to 6-year-old girls. This presentation is a wonderful idea," said troop leader Lorri Atenzio.
Page illustrated the many drugs that are common in the county such as marijuana and methamphetamine. He advised the children not to take anything from anybody they don't know.
"Some people do drugs because they don't know it's bad for them," said a 5-year-old Daisy.
"Meth has been a big problem for law enforcement and doctors. People using can be irritable, edgy most of the time and their personalities change," Page told the Daisies.
"Don't pick it up because if you eat it you might die," was one Daisy's answer when Page asked the group what they would do if they find a pill or a syringe on the street.
"Tell an adult or tell your mom," answered another Daisy.
"Don't take anything if you don't know what it is and don't smoke anything," Page advised the group.
"It's wonderful. The sooner they find out about the dangers of drugs the better. I just wished there's a lot more programs like these for the kids," said Laurie Wagner, one of the parents.
Wagner added that she and her husband Bruce talk to their daughter, Prairie Rose, about the subject every chance they get.
One grandfather in attendance, Chuck Lewis, said that the program was very informative for the children and echoed Wagner's thoughts of having more similar programs geared for children.
"I am amazed at law enforcement here after moving from Denver two years ago. The sheriff, police and state patrol work together very well," Lewis said.
"It's good to make them aware of things they will continue to encounter in their lifetime. It's kind of a repetitive subject but hopefully when they hear it over and over again, they will get it," Page said, noting that drug awareness is an ongoing program of the sheriff's department.
The Daisies were treated to a variety of information materials geared for their age like coloring books, stickers and magazines. Literature was also provided to parents for later discussion with their children.
"We enjoyed it and learned a lot," the Daisies said.
John Mangalonzo can be reached at 522-1990, Ext. 235 or by e-mail at: jmangalonzo@journal-advocate.com
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