Methamphetamine Use
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Methamphetamine Use
Shared by bdotburke on Nov 10, 2006 9:35 pm. quote | edit | delete
This drug, metamphetamine, is a drug that has no useful purpose. It's use is habit-forming and addictive usually from the 1st use. It quickly is a persons" God". A user puts out of their life except being high or looking for the money to buy and place to buy.Everyone that once knew the person was unimportant unless they can be manipulated in some way to help them I divorced my children's Dad 32 years ago after a 10 year marriage. We loved each other and had a good life until he was introduced to meth. After his introduction he quickly changed from a good husband, father, and provider to a man that had no morals, beat me without mercy, had nothing to do with his chidren. Before I divorced him he had traded me and our children for prostitutes. Why? He needed money. He couldn't get up and make it to his job. He also became a thief. I was heart-broken when I heard he'd been robbing houses at Christmas time taking even the children's presents.I had to see a psychiatrist and, in short, he told me my exwas indeed a devil in disguise as a human. That is the way I would describe them now, users, if I talked about it.It's use is a travesty for a person, his family, his job, his God and his Country Their behavior always leads to hurt, pain, prison, insane asylum or death. His girlfriend was murdered by him. He shot her in the throat and she bled to death quickly. I'm not a professional and I don't have any training , but, I can guarantee you I'm self educated and I know probably as much or more than a professional. I was educated by my ex-husband, then our youngest son, then our oldest son, then ou or 3rd son. My sister took it up with her husband who is now dead. High on meth he went to his truck and a meth addict shot him in the head killing him instantly. The killer thought his wife was going out with my brother-in-law. You see, Meth causes psychotic episodes that resemble mental illnesses. They have delusions and hallucinations that are horrible. My son thinks he's the devil with lots of power but, as his trip is close to over the Devil he thought he was is a victim that suffers horribly. He's now in prison.I was never rich, however at age 52, 10 years ago, I'd managed to have a nice savings account for my older years. I've spent over $20,000.00 on rehabs, bondsmen, lawyers, phone charges, putting money on his books while incarcerated, supporting him when he got out of jail because I always let him come back home, him promising he'd never mess up again. When he'd scared me nearly to death with his behavior and I was nearly too weak to stand I'd call the police to come get him.I'm really not sure about my title. Maybe it should tell about , Sufferings of a mother with a meth addicted child.